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12 matches found. Showing 1 - 50

CoverDescriptionAccess / Request
book cover image for Erzählen im Imperativ: Zur strukturellen Agonalität von Rollenspielen und mittelhochdeutschen Epen, ISBN=9783839458112Erzählen im Imperativ: Zur strukturellen Agonalität von Rollenspielen und mittelhochdeutschen Epen
ISBN: 9783839458112
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / transcript Verlag
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Language & Literature ; European Studies;
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book cover image for Homer's Ancient Readers, ISBN=9780691197678Homer's Ancient Readers
ISBN: 9780691197678
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / Princeton University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

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book cover image for Kudrun und Dietrich-Epen in Auswahl: Mit Wörterbuch, ISBN=9783111378596Kudrun und Dietrich-Epen in Auswahl: Mit Wörterbuch
ISBN: 9783111378596
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / De Gruyter
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: General Interest;
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book cover image for Mythen und Epen I: Band III, Lieferung 3, ISBN=9783641217723Mythen und Epen I: Band III, Lieferung 3
ISBN: 9783641217723
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Theology and Religion; Old Testament / Ancient Near East; Introductions and Overviews;
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book cover image for Mythen und Epen II: Band III, Lieferung 4, ISBN=9783641217730Mythen und Epen II: Band III, Lieferung 4
ISBN: 9783641217730
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Theology and Religion; Old Testament / Ancient Near East; Introductions and Overviews;
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book cover image for Mythen und Epen III: Band III, Lieferung 5, ISBN=9783641217747Mythen und Epen III: Band III, Lieferung 5
ISBN: 9783641217747
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Theology and Religion; Old Testament / Ancient Near East; Introductions and Overviews;
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book cover image for Mythen und Epen IV: Band III, Lieferung 6, ISBN=9783641217754Mythen und Epen IV: Band III, Lieferung 6
ISBN: 9783641217754
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Theology and Religion; Old Testament / Ancient Near East; Introductions and Overviews;
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book cover image for Vorbilder - Werte - Normen in den homerischen Epen, ISBN=9783110211566Vorbilder - Werte - Normen in den homerischen Epen
ISBN: 9783110211566
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / De Gruyter
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Classical Studies | Classical Studies other; Greek | Ancient Philosophy;
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book cover image for Weisheitstexte, Mythen und Epen, ISBN=9783641219949Weisheitstexte, Mythen und Epen
ISBN: 9783641219949
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gütersloher Verlagshaus
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Theology and Religion; Old Testament / Ancient Near East; Introductions and Overviews;
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book cover image for Wilhelm Raabe zwischen Heldenepos und Liebesroman: Wilhelm Raabe zwischen Heldenepos und Liebesroman: "Das Odfeld" und "Hastenbeck" in der Tradition der homerisch-vergilischen Epen und der historischen Romane Walter Scotts
ISBN: 9783110282122
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / De Gruyter
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Literary Studies; German Literature | Literary Genres and Media; 19th Century | Genre Studies general;
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book cover image for Wortindex zu hessisch-thüringischen Epen um 1200, ISBN=9783110964561Wortindex zu hessisch-thüringischen Epen um 1200
ISBN: 9783110964561
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / De Gruyter
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Literary Studies; German Literature; 8th-15th Century;
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book cover image for Zeit und Heimat der Homerischen Epen: Vom Zorn des Achilleus und von der Heimkehr des Odysseus, ISBN=9783111482200Zeit und Heimat der Homerischen Epen: Vom Zorn des Achilleus und von der Heimkehr des Odysseus
ISBN: 9783111482200
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / De Gruyter
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Literary Studies; Literary Studies general;
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