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6 matches found. Showing 1 - 50

CoverDescriptionAccess / Request
book cover image for Al otro lado del río: Situaciones socio ambientales en la vereda La Voragine, corregimiento de Pance, zona rural del municipio de Cali, ISBN=9789588994109Al otro lado del río: Situaciones socio ambientales en la vereda La Voragine, corregimiento de Pance, zona rural del municipio de Cali
ISBN: 9789588994109
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Programa Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

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book cover image for América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis, ISBN=9783839459072América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis
ISBN: 9783839459072
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / transcript Verlag
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Cultural Studies; Cultural Theory; Political Theory;
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book cover image for América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis: Extractivismos y alternativas, ISBN=9783839459072América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis: Extractivismos y alternativas
ISBN: 9783839459072
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / transcript Verlag
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Political Science;
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book cover image for La Parenté Hagiographique (XIIIe-XVe Siècle) : D'après Jacques de Voragine et les Manuscrits Enluminés de la 'légende Dorée' (C. 1260-1490), ISBN=9782503560748La Parenté Hagiographique (XIIIe-XVe Siècle) : D'après Jacques de Voragine et les Manuscrits Enluminés de la 'légende Dorée' (C. 1260-1490)
ISBN: 9782503560748
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Brepols Publishers
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Religion;
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book cover image for La vorágine del conflicto colombiano: una mirada desde las cárceles, ISBN=9789874646477La vorágine del conflicto colombiano: una mirada desde las cárceles
ISBN: 9789874646477
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / CLACSO
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: History ; Latin American Studies ; Political Science;
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book cover image for The Talents of Jacopo da Varagine: A Genoese Mind in Medieval Europe, ISBN=9781501703614The Talents of Jacopo da Varagine: A Genoese Mind in Medieval Europe
ISBN: 9781501703614
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Cornell University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Jacobus de Voragine approximately 1229–1298; Catholic Church -- Italy -- Bishops -- Biography;
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