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9 matches found. Showing 1 - 50

CoverDescriptionAccess / Request
book cover image for Black Soundscapes White Stages, ISBN=9781421410609Black Soundscapes White Stages
ISBN: 9781421410609
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / Johns Hopkins University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

 Detailed Information
book cover image for Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World, ISBN=9789004443778Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World
ISBN: 9789004443778
Platform/Publisher: BRILL / BRILL
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

 Detailed Information (with preview link)
book cover image for Language and Decadence in the Victorian Fin de Siecle, ISBN=9781400858330Language and Decadence in the Victorian Fin de Siecle
ISBN: 9781400858330
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Princeton University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

 Detailed Information
book cover image for Legitimizing the Artist: Manifesto Writing and European Modernism 1885-1915, ISBN=9781442621060Legitimizing the Artist: Manifesto Writing and European Modernism 1885-1915
ISBN: 9781442621060
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Toronto Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

 Detailed Information
book cover image for Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text, ISBN=9781469637846Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text
ISBN: 9781469637846
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / The University of North Carolina Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

 Detailed Information
book cover image for Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text: Spanish Poetry from Antonio Machado's Campos de Castilla to the First Avant-Garde (1909-1925), ISBN=9781469637846Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text: Spanish Poetry from Antonio Machado's Campos de Castilla to the First Avant-Garde (1909-1925)
ISBN: 9781469637846
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of North Carolina Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

 Detailed Information
book cover image for The Crisis of French Symbolism, ISBN=9781501746178The Crisis of French Symbolism
ISBN: 9781501746178
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Cornell University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

 Detailed Information
book cover image for The Gate of Darkness: Studies on the Leftist Literary Movement, ISBN=9789629968427The Gate of Darkness: Studies on the Leftist Literary Movement
ISBN: 9789629968427
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Chinese University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Language & Literature;
 Detailed Information
book cover image for The Shape of Fear, ISBN=9780813147949The Shape of Fear
ISBN: 9780813147949
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / The University Press of Kentucky
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

 Detailed Information