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6 matches found. Showing 1 - 50

CoverDescriptionAccess / Request
book cover image for Amady Aly Dieng Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume 1: De l'École Regionale de Diourbel a l'Universite de Paris (1945-1960), ISBN=9782869785298Amady Aly Dieng Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume 1: De l'École Regionale de Diourbel a l'Universite de Paris (1945-1960)
ISBN: 9782869785298
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / CODESRIA
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: History;
 Detailed Information
book cover image for Amady Aly Dieng Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume II: De l’Universite de Paris a mon retour au Senegal (1960-1967), ISBN=9782869785328Amady Aly Dieng Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume II: De l’Universite de Paris a mon retour au Senegal (1960-1967)
ISBN: 9782869785328
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / CODESRIA
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: History;
 Detailed Information
book cover image for Censure and Heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400, ISBN=9780812206722Censure and Heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400
ISBN: 9780812206722
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Pennsylvania Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

 Detailed Information
book cover image for Iconea 2009-2010: Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology. Université de la Sorbonne Paris IV November 25, 26 and 27, 2009 and at the University of London, Senate House December 13, 14 and 15, 2010, ISBN=9781463233853Iconea 2009-2010: Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology. Université de la Sorbonne Paris IV November 25, 26 and 27, 2009 and at the University of London, Senate House December 13, 14 and 15, 2010
ISBN: 9781463233853
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Gorgias Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Classical Studies; Ancient History;
 Detailed Information (with preview link)
book cover image for Rituals for the Dead: Religion and Community in the Medieval University of Paris, ISBN=9780268104955Rituals for the Dead: Religion and Community in the Medieval University of Paris
ISBN: 9780268104955
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Notre Dame Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Université de Paris -- History -- To 1500; Christian life -- France -- Paris -- History -- To 1500;
 Detailed Information
book cover image for Royautés Imaginaires : Actes du Colloque Organisé Par le Centre de Recherche d'histoire Sociale et Culturelle (CHSCO) de l'université de Paris X-Nanterre Sous la Direction de Colette Beaune et Henri Bresc (26 et 27 Septembre 2003), ISBN=9782503537405Royautés Imaginaires : Actes du Colloque Organisé Par le Centre de Recherche d'histoire Sociale et Culturelle (CHSCO) de l'université de Paris X-Nanterre Sous la Direction de Colette Beaune et Henri Bresc (26 et 27 Septembre 2003)
ISBN: 9782503537405
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Brepols Publishers
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History;
 Detailed Information