Alzheimer's Disease Theranostics
ISBN: 9780128164129
Platform/Publisher: ScienceDirect / Academic Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Neuroscience;

Alzheimer's Disease Theranostics discusses the latest information on recent theranostic avenues for both the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's patients. It presents the pros and cons of the probable mechanistic role of nanoparticles in crossing the blood-brain barrier and improving disease symptoms. Finally, it highlights the merits of existing maneuvers and suggests perspectives to aid in future developments. Despite the difficulty of drug delivery to the brain, there are some nanoparticulate platforms demonstrating promise in treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Manifold theranostic maneuvers include antioxidants, natural bioactive compounds, gene therapy, and nanotechnological approaches, all of which are discussed in this important work.

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