The Etruscans in the Modern Imagination
ISBN: 9780228015765
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / McGill-Queen''s University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History;

The Etruscans, a revenant and unusual people, had all but disappeared by the start of the Christian era. Sam Solecki chronicles their unexpected return to the intellectual and cultural history of the west, beginning with eighteenth-century scholars, collectors, and archaeologists, to provide a fascinating meditation on cultural transmission between ancient and modern civilizations.

Solecki Sam :

Sam Solecki is professor emeritus at the University of Toronto and the author of A Truffaut Notebook.

Sam Solecki is professor emeritus at the University of Toronto and the author of A Truffaut Notebook .

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