French Cinema—A Critical Filmography: Volume 1, 1929–1939
ISBN: 9780253017031
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Indiana University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Motion pictures -- France -- Catalogs;

This invaluable resource by one of the world's leading experts in French cinema presents a coherent overview of French cinema in the 20th century and its place and function in French society. Each filmography includes 101 films listed chronologically (Volume 1: 1929-1939 and Volume 2: 1940-1958) and provides accessible points of entry into the remarkable world of 20th-century French cinema. All entries contain a list of cast members and characters, production details, an overview of the film's cultural and historical significance, and a critical summary of the film's plot and narrative structure. Each volume includes an appendix listing rewards earned and an extensive reference list for further reading and research. A third volume, covering the period 1958-1974, is forthcoming.

Colin Crisp is a leading scholar in French film history and author of The Classic French Cinema, 1930-1960 (IUP, 1993) and Genre, Myth, and Convention in the French Cinema, 1929-1939 (IUP, 2002).

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