Jean Paton and the Struggle to Reform American Adoption
ISBN: 9780472029907
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / University of Michigan Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

Jean Paton (1908-2002) fought tirelessly to reform American adoption and to overcome prejudice against adult adoptees and women who give birth out of wedlock. Paton wrote widely and passionately about the adoption experience, corresponded with policymakers as well as individual adoptees, promoted the psychological well-being of adoptees, and facilitated reunions between adoptees and their birth parents. E. Wayne Carp's masterful biography brings to light the accomplishments of this neglected civil-rights pioneer, who paved the way for the explosive emergence of the adoption reform movement in the 1970s. Her unflagging efforts over five decades helped reverse harmful policies, practices, and laws concerning adoption and closed records, struggles that continue to this day.

E. Wayne Carp is Professor of History, Pacific Lutheran College.

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