The Hand of God: Claude Ryan and the Fate of Canadian Liberalism, 1925-1971
ISBN: 9780773551862
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / McGill-Queen''s University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Ryan Claude 1925–2004; Intellectuals -- Québec (Province) -- Biography; Québec (Province) -- Biography; Biographies;

A magisterial biography of a major Canadian and Quebec public intellectual.

Gauvreau Michael :

Michael Gauvreau, professor of history at McMaster University, is the author and editor of numerous works, including Mapping the Margins: Families and Social Disciplines in Canada, 1700-1970 and Cultures of Citizenship in Postwar Canada, 1940-1955.Michael Gauvreau is professor of history at McMaster University and the author of a number of prize-winning works, including The Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970.

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