Edgar Allan Poe: Rhetoric and Style
ISBN: 9780773572911
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / McGill-Queen''s University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Poe Edgar Allan 1809–1849 -- Literary style; Poe Edgar Allan 1809–1849 -- Technique;

Critics have often charged Edgar Allan Poe with sloppy writing. Using stylistics and classical rhetorical theory, Brett Zimmerman demonstrates that Poe was in fact a brilliant and deliberate lexical technician who varied his prose style according to genre and the world views and the mental health or illness of his narrators.

Zimmerman Brett :

Brett Zimmerman is the author of Herman Melville: Stargazer and numerous scholarly essays in magazines and academic journals in Canada, the United States, and England.Brett Zimmerman is the author of Herman Melville: Stargazer and numerous scholarly essays in magazines and academic journals in Canada, the United States, and England.

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