Unpacking the Kists: The Scots in New Zealand
ISBN: 9780773589773
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / McGill-Queen''s University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

An analysis of the scale and impact of Scottish migration to Britain's most distant nineteenth-century colony.

Tom Brooking specializes in New Zealand and comparative rural and environmental history. New Zealand political history and the historical links between New Zealand and Scotland. This research has focused upon environmental transformation and the role of colonising peoples in that process, especially farming and its economic and environmental impacts.

He has published seven books by himself and co-authored two others. His three most recent books are Making a New Land Environmental Histories of New Zealand, Unpacking the Kists:The Scots in New Zealand and Richard Seddon: King of God's Own which made the New Zealand Best Seller List in 2015. This last title also won the 2015 Ernest Scott Prize.

(Bowker Author Biography)

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