The 1870 Ghost Dance
ISBN: 9780803206960
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / University of Nebraska Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters
Subjects: Nativistic movements; Indians of North America; Indian dance;

The 1870 Ghost Dance was a significant but too often disregarded transformative historical movement with particular impact on the Native peoples of northern California. The spiritual energies of this OC great wave, OCO as Peter Nabokov has called it, have passed down to the present day among Native Californians, some of whose contemporary individual and communal lives can be understood only in light of the dance and the complex religious developments inspired by it."

Cora Du Bois (1903--91) was the first woman to receive tenure in anthropology at Harvard University, in 1954, and did important research in Indonesia and India as well as California. She served as the president of the American Anthropological Society and was the author of many books, including The People of Alor , Wintu Myths , and Social Forces in the Southeast . Thomas Buckley is an independent scholar. His most recent book is Standing Ground: Yurok Indian Spirituality, 1850--1990.
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