Sacred Sites : The Secret History of Southern California
ISBN: 9780803234642
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / University of Nebraska Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Literature;

A history that is equal parts science and mythology, Sacred Sites offers a rare and poetic vision of a world composed of dynamic natural forces and mythic characters. The result is a singular and memorable account of the evolution of the Southern California landscape, reflecting the riches of both Native knowledge and Western scientific thought.

Beginning with Western science, poet Susan Suntree carries readers from the Big Bang to the present as she describes the origins of the universe, the shifting of tectonic plates, and an evolving array of plants and animals that give Southern California its unique features today. She tells of the migration of humans into the region, where they settled, and how they lived. Complementing this narrative and reflecting Native peoples' view of their own history and way of life, Suntree recounts the creation myths and songs that tell the story of the First People and of unforgettable shamans and heroes.

Featuring contemporary photographs of rarely seen landmarks along with meticulous research, Sacred Sites provides unusual insight into how natural history and mythology and scientific and intuitive thinking combine to create an ever-deepening sense of a place and its people.

Susan Suntree 's previous books include Wisdom of the East: Stories of Compassion, Inspiration, and Love ; Rita Moreno ; and Eye of the Womb . She taught for many years at East Los Angeles College. Gary Snyder 's literary awards include the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Turtle Island and the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize . Lowell John Bean is an anthropologist and the author and editor of numerous books and articles about California and Southwest Native American cultures and peoples. Juergen Nogai 's work has appeared in magazines, books, and museum and gallery exhibitions worldwide.
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