The Business Strategy of Booker T. Washington
ISBN: 9780813043197
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / University Press of Florida
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters

Michael Boston offers a radical departure from other interpretations of Booker T. Washington by focusing on the latter's business ideas and practices.

More specifically, Boston examines Washington as an entrepreneur, spelling out his business philosophy at great length and discussing the influence it had on black America. He analyzes the national and regional economies in which Washington worked and focuses on his advocacy of black business development as the key to economic uplift for African Americans.

The result is a revisionist book that responds to the skewed literature on Washington even as it offers a new framework for understanding him. Based upon a deep reading of the Tuskegee archives, it acknowledges Washington not only as a champion of black business development but one who conceived and implemented successful strategies to promote it as well.

The Business Strategy of Booker T. Washington makes abundantly clear that Washington was not an accommodationist; it will be required reading for any future discussion of this titan of history.

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