Tropic of Hopes: California, Florida, and the Selling of American Paradise, 1869-1929
ISBN: 9780813048413
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University Press of Florida
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

Just after the Civil War, two states prominently laid claim to being America's paradise destinations. Private companies, state agencies, and journalists all lent a hand in creating a seductive, expansionist imagery that promoted semitropical California and Florida and helped "sell" Americans on the idea of an attainable paradise within the United States.

In Tropic of Hopes , Henry Knight examines the promotion of California and Florida from the end of the Civil War to the eve of the Great Depression, a period when both states were transformed from remote, sparsely populated locales into two of the most publicized and dreamed-about destinations in America. Using the discussion of climate, geography, race, and environment to link agricultural, tourist, and urban development in these regions, Knight provides a highly original and informative account.

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