Young Henry Ford
ISBN: 9780814339954
Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / Wayne State University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters
Subjects: Automobile industry and trade; Industrialists;

Young Henry Ford is a visual and textual presentation of the first forty years of Henry Ford--an American farm boy who became one of the greatest manufacturers of modern times and profoundly impacted the habits of American life. In Young Henry Ford, Sidney Olson dispels some of the myths attached to this automobile legend, going beyond the Henry Ford of mass production and the five-dollar day, and offers a more intimate understanding of Henry Ford and the time he lived in. Through hundreds of restored photographs, including some of Ford's own taken with his first camera, Young Henry Ford revisits an America now gone--of long days on the farm, travel by horse and buggy, and one-room schoolhouses. Some of the rare illustrations include the first picture of Henry Ford, photos from Edsel's childhood, snapshots of the interior and exterior of the Ford homestead, Clara and Henry's wedding invitation, and photos of the early stages of the first automobile.

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