Marginal Modernity: The Aesthetics of Dependency from Kierkegaard to Joyce
ISBN: 9780823245352
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Fordham University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Modernism (Literature); Dependency (Psychology) in literature; Aesthetics in literature; Philosophy in literature;

Marginal Modernity traces the emergence and dissemination of a new aesthetic paradigm from the periphery to the core of European culture. This "aesthetics of dependency" is distinct from the aesthetics of autonomy and fragmentation usually relied on and provides a different structure, philosophical foundation and historical condition for modernist works.

Lisi Leonardo F. :

Leonardo F. Lisi is Assistant Professor in the Humanities Center at The Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Marginal Modernity: The Aesthetics of Dependency from Kierkegaard to Joyce (Fordham).

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