Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices ISBN: 9780827609990 Platform/Publisher: Project MUSE / Jewish Publication Society Digital rights:Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapters; Download: Chapters Subjects: Jews; Power (Social sciences); Human body; Jews; Jewish ethics.;
This JPS ethics series deals with some of the most critical moral issues of our time. How do we use power once we've gained it? Is it completely for our individual benefit, or do we use it to help our neighborhoods, or society at-large? What kinds of decisions must CEOs and business owners make regarding suppliers and customers? How should bosses treat workers? Teachers treat students? Parents treat children? Government treats citizens? Power dynamics affect people on a political level, a social level, and a deeply personal level as well. The newest volume in the "Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices" series examines these dynamics and includes essays by such fine contributors as U.S. Representative Henry Waxman, NBC Universal Television-West Coast President Marc Graboff, and author and scholar James Diamond.