Republican Treason : Republican Fascism Exposed ISBN: 9780875866680 Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Algora Publishing Digital rights:Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time Subjects: Political Science;
This book is a polemic directed against the Republican Party and the conservative movement, in mostly their own words. It alleges that the Republican Party is fascist and treasonous, defines those terms, and offers quoted testimony in support of that claim. It describes the US policy of political warfare across the world that was originated by the Eisenhower administration and is still continuing. Democratic movements have been attacked then on the false claim that they were communistic and on the false claim now that they are terroristic and a threat to US security. Highlighting similarities between Fascism and todayOCOs Republican Party and the Conservative agenda, the author presents a dense compendium of quotes from books and periodicals, mostly conservative Republican, and some from their liberal critics."