DownWRITE Funny : Using Students' Love of the Ridiculous to Build Serious Writing Skills (Grades 7-12)
ISBN: 9781000499513
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Taylor & Francis Group
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Education;

DownWRITE Funny teaches all kinds of good "stuff" about writing but in an unusual way--by appealing to young people's love of the ridiculous. Using an unusual blend of zany illustrations and "out there" writing assignments, the author leads students through a wide range of lessons and activities that will help them become better writers.

Subjects range from the basic (avoiding sentence fragments and run-ons), to the practical (using transitions), to the more advanced (writing in active voice). All activities include wonderfully challenging and funny writing assignments that will stretch students' minds and help them learn important lessons about writing.

Grades 7-12

Randy Larson grew up in Michigan and now lives in the small town of Gillette, Wyoming, with his wife Judy and their son Gabriel. He has taught English, grades 7-12, for over 25 years.
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