A Romantics Chronology, 1780-1832
ISBN: 9781137273277
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Palgrave Macmillan UK
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Fiction; Literature;

This book covers the life and work of a wide range of writers from Coleridge to Wollstonecraft, Hemans, Beckford and their contemporaries. Also encompassing a wealth of material on contexts from the treason trials of 1794 to the coming of gas-light to the London stage in 1817, it provides a panorama of one of the richest periods in British culture.

Martin Garrett has written widely on Romantic, Victorian and Renaissance literature. His book The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Byron (2010) won the Elma Dangerfield award of the International Byron Society in 2011. He covered P.B. Shelley in the same series (2014). His cultural guide Oxford was also published in 2014.

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