Global Health Experiential Education: From Theory to Practice
ISBN: 9781315107844
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / Routledge
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

This book presents best practices for ethical and safe international health elective experiences for trainees and the educational competencies and evaluation techniques that make them valuable. It includes commentaries, discussions and descriptions of new global health education guidelines, reviews of the literature, as well as research.

Uniquely, it will include ground-breaking research on perspectives of partners in the Global South whose voices are often unheard, student perspectives and critical discussions of the historical foundations and power dynamics inherent in international medical work.

Global Health Experiential Education is a timely book that will be of interest to academic directors of global health programmes and anyone involved in training and international exchanges across North America.

Akshaya Neil Arya is a family doctor and was founding director of the Global Health Office at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University in Canada. He has also taught global health to masters in public health students at the University of Waterloo and to medical students at McMaster University where he is an assistant clinical professor.  

Jessica Evert has been at the forefront of global health education in North America for over a decade. A family physician by training, her undergraduate focus on anthropology and ethnography of health systems and delivery built a deep appreciation for the cultural influences on health and healthcare. She clinically practises inpatient medicine, hospice and palliative care with a focus on underserved, multicultural populations.

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