Benedict XIV and the Enlightenment: Art, Science, and Spirituality
ISBN: 9781442624757
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Toronto Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Benedict XIV Pope 1675-1758; Enlightenment -- Italy; Italy -- Intellectual life -- 1559-1789; Popes -- Biography;

Benedict XIV and the Enlightenment offers a comprehensive assessment of Benedict's engagement with Enlightenment art, science, spirituality, and culture.

Messbarger Rebecca :

Rebecca Messbarger is a professor in the Department of Romance Languages at Washington University in St. Louis.
Johns Christopher :

Christopher M.S. Johns is a professor in the Department of History of Art at Vanderbilt University.
Gavitt Philip :

Philip Gavitt is a professor in the Department of History at Saint Louis University.

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