Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations : Populations, Reactors, Tides and Waves: Theory and Applications
ISBN: 9781483155630
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Mathematics;

Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Volume 1: Population, Reactors, Tides and Waves: Theory and Applications covers three general areas of hyperbolic partial differential equation applications. These areas include problems related to the McKendrick/Von Foerster population equations, other hyperbolic form equations, and the numerical solution. This text is composed of 15 chapters and begins with surveys of age specific population interactions, populations models of diffusion, nonlinear age dependent population growth with harvesting, local and global stability for the nonlinear renewal equation in the Von Foerster model, and nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics. The next chapters deal with various applications of hyperbolic partial differential equations to such areas as age-structured fish populations, density dependent growth in a cell colony, boll-weevil-cotton crop modeling, age dependent predation and cannibalism, parasite populations, growth of microorganisms, and stochastic perturbations in the Von Foerster model. These topics are followed by discussions of bifurcation of time periodic solutions of the McKendrick equation; the periodic solution of nonlinear hyperbolic problems; and semigroup theory as applied to nonlinear age dependent population dynamics. Other chapters explore the stability of biochemical reaction tanks, an ADI model for the Laplace tidal equations, the Carleman equation, the nonequilibrium behavior of solids that transport heat by second sound, and the nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations and dynamic programming. The final chapters highlight two explicitly numerical applications: a predictor-convex corrector method and the Galerkin approximation in hyperbolic partial differential equations. This book will prove useful to practicing engineers, population researchers, physicists, and mathematicians.

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