Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids : North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
ISBN: 9781483163734
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Mathematics;

Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids focuses on linearized theory and perfectly elastic media. This book discusses the one-dimensional motion of an elastic continuum; linearized theory of elasticity; elastodynamic theory; and elastic waves in an unbounded medium. The plane harmonic waves in elastic half-spaces; harmonic waves in waveguides; and forced motions of a half-space are also elaborated. This text likewise covers the transient waves in layers and rods; diffraction of waves by a slit; and thermal and viscoelastic effects, and effects of anisotropy and nonlinearity. Other topics include the summary of equations in rectangular coordinates, time-harmonic plane waves, approximate theories for rods, and transient in-plane motion of a layer. This publication is a good source for students and researchers conducting work on the wave propagation in elastic solids.

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