Applied Group Theory : The Commonwealth and International Library: Selected Readings in Physics
ISBN: 9781483182476
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Science: Physics; Science;

Applied Group Theory covers group theory and its applications and is designed to cater undergraduate students. This text is comprised of two parts; the first of which discusses topics such as symmetry; crystallographic groups; vibrations in molecules and solids; and electronic states in atoms, molecules, and solids. This book then explains in the second part topics including the elastic characteristic vibrations of symmetrical systems; theory of Brillouin zones and symmetry properties of wave functions in crystals; and magnetic symmetry of crystals. This text also gives hints to solutions of the exercises provided in each discussion. This selection will be invaluable to undergraduate students of mathematics who are in need of reference materials in group theory that are understandable to them. Mathematics instructors will also find this book helpful.

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