Ocean Tides : Mathematical Models and Numerical Experiments
ISBN: 9781483189789
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Science; Science: Geology;

Ocean Tides: Mathematical Models and Numerical Experiments discusses the mathematical concepts involved in understanding the behavior of oceanic tides. The book utilizes mathematical models and equations to interpret physical peculiarities of tidal generation. The text first presents the essential information on the theory of tide, and then proceeds to tackling the studies on the equations of tidal dynamics. Next, the book covers the numerical methods for the solution of the equations of tidal dynamics. Chapter 4 deals with the tides in the World Ocean, while Chapter 5 talks about the bottom boundary layer in tidal flows. The last chapter tackles the vertical structure of internal tidal waves. The book will be of great interest to individuals whose profession involves the direct interaction with tides, such as mariners, marine biologists, and oceanographers.

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