Reward and Punishment in Human Learning : Elements of a Behavior Theory ISBN: 9781483222264 Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology Digital rights:Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time Subjects: Education;
Reward and Punishment in Human Learning: Elements of a Behavior Theory provides a different approach to the study of reward and punishment, emphasizing what is learned when a response is rewarded and how does this differ from what is learned when a response is punished. This book discusses the distortions in impressions of success, accuracy in recall of reward and punishment, and determinants of outcome-recall. The role of open-task attitudes in motor learning, effects of isolated punishments, and structural isolation in the closed-task situation are also elaborated. This publication is intended for psychologists, but is also helpful to teachers, executives, prison officials, psychotherapists, and parents.