Metal Powders : A Global Survey of Production, Applications and Markets
ISBN: 9781483284873
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Business/ Management;

Please note this is a Short Discount publication. This in-depth market and technology report surveys the markets, applications and manufacturing processes for metal powders. Coverage is given to both ferrous and non-ferrous metal powders with the emphasis on the more commercially significant materials such as iron and steel, stainless and tool steels, copper and copper-base alloys, aluminium, tin and nickel. Current and future markets are reviewed from a global perspective: consumption figures are analyzed for the major economic zones: Northern America, Europe, Japan. The major factors likely to impact on future metal powder consumption are examined and forecasts are presented for the main categories to the end of the decade. The report is completed by a comprehensive global survey of the relevant activities of the major powder-producing companies and industry trade associations.

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