Utah Politics and Government: American Democracy among a Unique Electorate
ISBN: 9781496207852
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Nebraska Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Utah -- Politics and government; Political culture -- Utah;

As unique as is Utah's formative history of civil and religious conflict, its political institutions today broadly resemble those found in other American states. While its majority Mormon population translates into an enormous Republican advantage in local and national elections, Utahns have taken a more centrist stance on some issues such as immigration, while Utah itself has become the third‑fastest-growing state in the country since 2000. The mostly geographically rural state is demographically urban, and Salt Lake County is now a swing county in some elections.

Utah Politics and Government offers an accessible analysis of Utah's political cultures, starting with the state's unique pioneer heritage, its development into a secular American state, and its explosive modern growth. The book covers the state constitution and its place in the federal system, ongoing public lands disputes, and major political institutions. Several original datasets covering the last thirty years in Utah politics provide contemporary context and analysis. The final chapter offers practical advice to citizens wishing to engage with their elected officials.

Adam R. Brown has written a book that is beneficial not only for educational purposes but also for the average citizen who wishes to understand how Utah's government operates, get involved in state politics, and make informed choices.

Adam R. Brown is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Brigham Young University and a faculty scholar at Brigham Young University's Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy.
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