State of Israel, Diaspora, and Jewish Continuity : Essays on the Ever-Dying People
ISBN: 9781512601572
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Brandeis University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History; Social Science;

This readable, insightful, and thought-provoking collection of essays, presents an original and innovative ideology that stirringly affirms the unity of the Jewish people. Rawidowicz's rich themes include the relationship between the State of Israel and the Diaspora; Jewish "difference" and its repercussions; Jewish learning; and Jewish continuity in the post-Holocaust world. In his foreword to the paper edition, Michael A. Meyer writes, "Forty years after his death, [Rawidowicz's] sober analyses, his realism with regard to both the State of Israel and the Diaspora, and his striving to find unities among dichotomies that divide the Jewish people -- all of these make his images and ideas still worthy of our reflection."

UZI REBHUN is Lecturer at The A. Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. CHAIM I. WAXMAN is Professor of Sociology and Jewish Studies, Rutgers University, and co-editor of Jews in America (UPNE, 1999).
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