Barbarossa in Italy
ISBN: 9781599101620
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Italica Press, Inc.
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

Barbarossa in Italy presents a concise and modern verse translation of the Carmen de gestis Frederici I imperatoris in Lombardia describing the conflict leading Frederick I Hohenstaufen's destruction of Milan in 1162. The issues, personalities, and events surrounding this catastrophe are the subjects of this unfinished verse epic. With a vivid eye for the horrors of battle and siege, his knowing portrayal of Frederick's conflicted emotions, and his use of classical figures and dream vision, the "Bergamo Master" shows a respect for his classical antecedents while staying faithful to the modes and personalities of his age. First English translation. Illustrated, map, introduction, notes, bibliography.
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