Finding the Arctic : History and Culture along a 2,500-Mile Snowmobile Journey from Alaska to Hudson's Bay
ISBN: 9781602231641
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / University of Alaska Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Sport &; Recreation;

The history of the Arctic is rich, filled with fascinating and heroic stories of exploration, multicultural interactions, and humans facing nature at its most extreme. In Finding the Arctic , the accomplished arctic researcher Matthew Sturm collects some of the most memorable and moving of these stories and weaves them around his own story of a 2,500-mile snowmobile expedition across arctic Alaska and Canada. During that trip, Sturm and six companions followed a circuitous route that brought them to many of the most historic spots in the North. They stood in the footsteps of their predecessors, experienced the landscape and the weather, and gained an intimate perspective on notable historical events, all chronicled here by Sturm. Written with humor and pathos, Finding the Arctic is a classic tale of adventure travel. And throughout the book,Sturm, with his thirty-eight years of experience in the North, emerges as an excellent guide for any who wish to understand the Arctic of today and yesterday.

Matthew Sturm is a leader in the Arctic climate change research community and has led over twenty-five expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic. He is the author of Apun: The Arctic Snow , also published by the University of Alaska Press.
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