Alaska's Greatest Outdoor Legends : Colorful Characters Who Built the Fishing and Hunting Industries
ISBN: 9781602233003
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / University of Alaska Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Agriculture;

Outdoor tourism is one of Alaska's biggest industries, and the thousands of people who flock to the state's dramatic landscapes and pristine waters to hunt and fish are supported by a large and growing network of guides, lodges, outfitters, and wildlife biologists.
This book honors more than sixty of those remarkably colorful characters, past and present, people whose incredible skills were their calling cards, but whose larger-than-life personalities were what people remember after the trip is over. Taken together, these portraits offer a history of outdoor life in Alaska and celebrate its incredible natural beauty--and the people who devote their lives to helping us enjoy it.

Doug Kelly is the author of Florida's Fishing Legends and Pioneers and is field editor for Florida Sportsman.
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