Elite Byzantine Kinship, ca. 950-1204: Blood, Reputation, and the Genos
ISBN: 9781641890298
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Arc Humanities Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: History ; European Studies;

By the end of the twelfth century, the Byzantine genos was a politically effective social group based upon ties of consanguineous kinship, but, importantly, it was also a cultural construct, an idea that held very real power, yet defies easy categorization. This study explores the role and function of the Byzantine aristocratic family group, or genos , as a distinct social entity, particularly its political and cultural role, as it appears in a variety of sources in the tenth through twelfth centuries.

Leidholm Nathan :

Nathan Leidholm is an Assistant Professor at Bilkent University. He earned his PhD in Byzantine History from the University of Chicago in 2016.

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