Resistance in an Amazonian Community: Huaorani Organizing against the Global Economy
ISBN: 9781782382034
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Berghahn Books
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

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A native of Pennsylvania, Lawrence Ziegler-Otero teaches in the Department of Anthropology at SUNY Plattsburgh. After a "first career" as a trade union organizer in the United States, he became an anthroplogist in order to study political, labor and indigenous organizations. He has also lived and worked in Ecuador and Puerto Rico.

A native of Pennsylvania, Lawrence Ziegler-Otero teaches in the Department of Anthropology at SUNY Plattsburgh. After a "first career" as a trade union organizer in the United States, he became an anthroplogist in order to study political, labor and indigenous organizations. He has also lived and worked in Ecuador and Puerto Rico.

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