The Power of Death: Contemporary Reflections on Death in Western Society
ISBN: 9781782384342
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Berghahn Books
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Death; Death in literature; Funeral rites and ceremonies;

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Maria-José Blanco is a Lecturer and Language teacher in the Department of Spanish Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) at King's College London. She is the author of Life-writing in Carmen Martín Gaite's Cuadernos de todo and her Novels of the 1990s (2013), and the editor of a special issue of Journal of Romance Studies, "Airing the Private: Women's Diaries in the Luso-Hispanic World" (2009) and the forthcoming Feminine Singular: Growing up through life-writing in the Luso-Hispanic World (2014).

Ricarda Vidal holds a PhD in Cultural Studies (Birkbeck University of London) and teaches at the department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries at King's College London. She has published on urban space, the legacy of Modernism and Romanticism, speed, the car and driving as cultural phenomena, and society's fascination with death and murder. She is the author of Death and Desire in Car Crash Culture: A Century of Romantic Futurisms (2013).

Maria-José Blanco is a Lecturer and Language teacher in the Department of Spanish Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) at King's College London. She is the author of Life-writing in Carmen Martín Gaite's Cuadernos de todo and her Novels of the 1990s (2013), and the editor of a special issue of Journal of Romance Studies, "Airing the Private: Women's Diaries in the Luso-Hispanic World" (2009) and the forthcoming Feminine Singular: Growing up through life-writing in the Luso-Hispanic World (2014).

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