Bulgaria in British Foreign Policy, 1943–1949
ISBN: 9781783082353
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Anthem Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter

The succession of great power influences in the Balkans played a key role in shaping Bulgaria's international place and its domestic policy. Bulgaria in British Foreign Policy explores Britain's involvement in Bulgaria between 1943 and 1949 and revisits the important issue of British attitudes towards Eastern Europe. Using recently released sources from the Bulgarian and Soviet Communist parties and foreign ministries, Stankova offers new insight into the nuanced origins of the Cold War in Bulgaria, and bridges significant gaps in the treatment of the country in English-language literature.

Marietta Stankova is a historian of the Cold War and Communism. She holds a PhD in international history from the London School of Economics and Political Science, where she has also taught.

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