Child Sexual Exploitation after Rotherham : Understanding the Consequences and Recommendations for Practice
ISBN: 9781784502768
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Social Science;

The scale of the Rotherham child protection scandal has led professionals responsible for safeguarding children in other regions to recognise the extent of child abuse in their area and consider how to respond efficiently. Drawing on lessons learned from key case reviews and independent practice, this book tells the story of Rotherham and shows the consequences of failing to respond to concerns of child sexual exploitation. Using case examples demonstrating both poor and good practice, from Rotherham and elsewhere, the authors are able to present recommendations for improvements at strategic management and frontline practitioner levels.

Adele Gladman is an experienced safeguarding children trainer and consultant, and previously ran the research and development pilot funded by the Home Office which was referred to in both the Jay and Casey reports during the Rotherham case. Dr Angie Heal was a strategic analyst working for South Yorkshire police who has since contributed to Panorama documentaries. Both gave evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee for the Rotherham case in 2014 and they continue to assist with ongoing investigation and inquiries.
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