Capturing Quicksilver: The Position, Power, and Plasticity of Chinese Medicine in Singapore
ISBN: 9781785337956
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Berghahn Books
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Anthropology ; Health Sciences;

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Arielle A. Smith completed her doctorate and postgraduate teaching in medical anthropology at the University of Oxford (2004-2010). She subsequently taught at the University of Montana (2011-2012) and as traveling faculty for International Honors Program/SIT (2012-2014). Most recently, she conducted postdoctoral research at Cermes3 (a joint unit of CNRS, EHESS, and Inserm) in Paris (2015), and preliminary research on anthropological reflexivity and tribal health/ healing in the USA (2016 to date).

Arielle A. Smith completed her doctorate and postgraduate teaching in medical anthropology at the University of Oxford (2004-2010). She subsequently taught at the University of Montana (2011-2012) and as traveling faculty for International Honors Program/SIT (2012-2014). Most recently, she conducted postdoctoral research at Cermes3 (a joint unit of CNRS, EHESS, and Inserm) in Paris (2015), and preliminary research on anthropological reflexivity and tribal health/ healing in the USA (2016 to date).

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