| Emotion Coaching with Children and Young People in Schools : Promoting Positive Behavior, Wellbeing and Resilience ISBN: 9781787757998 Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Jessica Kingsley Publishers Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time Subjects: Education;
Emotion Coaching (EC) is a universal communication strategy which supports children and young people to self-regulate and manage their stress responses. Originally noticed as an effective way parents communicated with their children around challenging behaviours, Emotion Coaching has been shown to be highly successful in educational settings too. This is why the authors pioneered the research and application of Emotion Coaching into UK (primary and secondary) schools and community settings. The book includes straightforward descriptions and practical tips, with signposting to resources, case studies and vignettes to illustrate its practical application in educational settings. It supports adults to promote empathetic responses to challenging behaviours and situations, helping children and young people to understand their emotions and learn to manage them and their behavior in the longer-term.
Dr Louise Gilbert: (PhD, MSc, PGCE, RGN, BSc (Hons)) is co-founder of Emotion Coaching UK and has a background in education and health. With her co-authors she developed and led Emotion Coaching research and training to promote holistic integration of sustainable emotional well-beings in school and community settings. Emotion Coaching is integral to national projects such as Attachment Aware Schools and promoted in government care and education sector qualifications Licette Gus: (Postgrad. Dip. Ed. Res., M.Sc. (Ed. Psych), Grad. Dip. Ed., B.A., BSc) is co-founder of Emotion Coaching UK and is an Educational Psychologist, chartered with the British Psychological Society and registered with the HCPC. She has over 20 years' experience as both a psychologist and teacher for numerous organisations both nationally and internationally. Licette has developed and supports the Emotion Coaching accreditation system of practitioners and organisations. Dr Janet Rose: (PhD, MA, PGCE, BA (Hons), FHEA) is the Principal of Norland College and a co-founder of Emotion Coaching UK. A trained teacher and early years specialist, she has co-led research and training into the development of Emotion Coaching both as a parenting programme and its application in schools and community settings throughout the UK and around the world. |