Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5 : Unleash the True Power of Blueprints to Create Impressive Games and Applications in UE5
ISBN: 9781801818698
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Packt Publishing, Limited
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Computer Science/ IT;

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Romero Marcos :

Marcos Romero is the author of the Romero Blueprints blog, which is one of the main references on the internet to learn about Blueprints. Epic Games invited Marcos to the Unreal Engine 4 closed beta program to experiment and collaborate with the evolution of the tools. He was also one of the first recipients of Unreal Dev Grants for Education. Marcos is a well-known figure in the Unreal community and, for Epic Games, he wrote the official Blueprints Compendium and Blueprints Instructor's Guide.Sewell Brenden :

Brenden Sewell is a game designer and creative director with over a decade of experience leading teams in the development of compelling interactive experiences that entertain and inspire. Prior to joining Bossfight Entertainment to work on some upcoming secret projects, he explored the intersection of social impact and entertainment serving as the Creative Director for E-line Media. He has led developments from concept to live support on a variety of games ranging from a brain-training first-person shooter to a construction sandbox exploring the future of digital fabrication.

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