Learning Politics From Sivaram: The Life and Death of a Revolutionary Tamil Journalist in Sri Lanka
ISBN: 9781849642675
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Pluto Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Anthropology;

This is the story of the life and impact of the political activist, journalist and freedom-fighter Sivaram Dharmeratnam, who dedicated his life to helping the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

He started out as an active participant in the war against the Sri Lankan government - and was labelled a 'terrorist'. Yet he stepped away from ruthless violence. Instead, he became a high profile journalist in the Sri Lankan press, and used his position to fearlessly critique the government, despite repeated threats on his life. Finally, in 2005, Sivaram was assassinated.

This vivid life history also engages with much broader issues. It offers an intimate portrait of why an educated man adopts a position of supporting violence.

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