The Graffiti of Tikal: Tikal Report 31
ISBN: 9781934536360
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / University of Pennsylvania Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Tikal Site (Guatemala); Mayas -- Art; Indians of Central America -- Art; Graffiti -- Guatemala -- Tikal Site;

The graffiti incised on walls and other surfaces at the site of Tikal, Guatemala, afford an important and fascinating glimpse into a little-explored area of Classic Maya life. This wealth of figural and symbolic material was produced by the inhabitants of Tikal over a span of about 1500 years.

Helen W. Trik (nee Webster) received her B.A. degree in art from Smith College. In 1962-63 she was on the staff of the Tikal Project as a research assistant, recording the graffiti at the site. Michael E. Kampen studied the art of Tikal in the early 1970s under an NEH grant. His work on the graffiti was published in a 1978 article in Estudios de Cultura Maya 6, "The Graffiti of Tikal."
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