For Black Girls : Who Have yet to Forgive Themselves
ISBN: 9781990931314
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / African Perspectives Publishing
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Juvenile Literature;

This is for the girls who have yet to forgive themselves. Girls withskin darker than dark. Girls with too much fat where the ideology ofbeauty lies. Girls who, because they have stomachs that fold likeenvelopes and dimples on their thighs that jiggle like dessert onChristmas Day, would never make it in beauty pageants or onto the coverof a magazine. This ... is for the girls who have yet to forgivethemselves. Girls who have loved other girls with about as much ferocityin their hearts as it would take to start a war. Girls who have heardthe words "big" and "thick madam" more times than you hear about skinnybitches on rap songs. Girls who have witnessed too much judgement on thefaces of men because they are too much to handle -- literally.

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