Advances in Swarm Intelligence : Variations and Adaptations for Optimization Problems
ISBN: 9783031098352
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Springer International Publishing AG
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Computer Science/ IT; Science;

Swarm Intelligence (SI) has grown significantly, both from the perspective of algorithmic development and applications covering almost all disciplines science and technology. This book emphasizes the studies of existing SI techniques, their variants and applications. The book also contains reviews of new developments in SI techniques and hybridizations. Algorithm specific studies covering basic introduction and analysis of key components of these algorithms, such as convergence, balance of solution accuracy, computational costs, tuning and control of parameters. Application specific studies incorporating the ways of designing objective functions, solution representation and constraint handling. The book also includes studies on application domain specific adaptations in the SI techniques. The book will be beneficial for academicians and researchers from various disciplines of engineering and science working in applications of SI and other optimization problems.

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