Bare Nominals in Brazilian Portuguese : An Integral Approach ISBN: 9789027264657 Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / John Benjamins Publishing Company Digital rights:Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time Subjects: Language/ Linguistics;
Over the last three decades, Brazilian Portuguese bare nominals have turned into a hot topic in the cross-linguistic study of nominal syntax and semantics. This contribution is the first comprehensive, book-length treatment of the issue, covering both the long-standing discussion about the adequate analysis of these forms as well as the establishment of a solid empirical basis for future research. The book goes further than previous accounts in also taking into consideration the phonetic-phonological dimension, showing the advantages of a more comprehensive account. The empirical section outlines an innovative approach in which different methods and data types are combined and focuses on the underresearched definite / specific / referential uses and interpretations of bare singulars. The book also addresses the traditional topics in the study of bare nominals - genericity, the mass/count distinction, NP-internal plural agreement, the NP/DP distinction, and syntax-semantics-phonology interface questions - in the light of the new findings.