Animals and Humans : Recurrent Symbiosis in Archaeology and Old Norse Religion
ISBN: 9789187121166
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Nordic Academic Press, Sweden
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Social Science; Religion;

Exploring the relationship between animals and humans in Scandinavia from the Roman Iron Age to the Viking Period, this book interprets Old Norse mythology in which imaginary creatures with strong characters were invented and examines the importance of animals in the human world. According to Old Norse perceptions, real and fantasy animals in Midgard became mouthpieces for human characteristics and reflections of people's social position. With the aid of animals, humans could also show who they really were as well as control higher powers. Combining results from archaeology and Old Norse texts, this account discusses the functional, symbolic, and cognitive meanings of animals and the implications of animal rights.

Kristina Jennbert is a professor and head of the dept of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University. She is the author of Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perpectives: Origins, Changes & Interactions and On the Road: Studies in Honor of Lars Larsson .
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