The Prose of the mountains: Three tales of the Caucasus
ISBN: 9789633861905
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / Central European University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Qazbegi Alek’sandre 1848-1893 -- Translations into English; Short stories Georgian;

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Qazbegi Aleksandre :

Aleksandre Qazbegi was born into aristocratic privilege. Yet, instead of enjoying the life his high birth could have afforded him, he chose a life of deliberate poverty, first in the mountains where he was born, and where he lived as a shepherd for seven years, and subsequently in Tbilisi. As he crafted a fresh literary style for a new readerly demographic, Qazbegi became Georgia's first professional writer. He died at the age of forty-five in an insane asylum in Tbilisi.

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