Caribbean Wars Untold : A Salute to the British West Indies
ISBN: 9789766402037
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / University of the West Indies Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History;

Caribbean Wars Untold tells the story of the Caribbean during nearly five centuries of warfare; of how West Indians consistently rallied to Britain's side in its many years of peril, volunteered for service in its armed forces. The book spotlights the deeds and hardships of West Indian soldiers long engaged in Africa and the Middle East.

Humphrey Metzgen is a former corporate executive at Times Newspapers as well as board director of several leading communications and finance companies. Prior to this he was a parachute officer in the British Army. John Graham is a retired major general in the British Army, with a research interest in the naval and military history of the West Indies and, in particular, the contributions made by West Indians to the rise of the British Empire.
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